Saturday, August 9, 2008

Cundasukarika Vatthu

Thus have I heard from Sayadaw U Bhumivamsa about Kamma and Cundasukarika Vatthu. Cunda was a butcher during the Buddha time and after 55 years becoming a butcher, he suffered terribly before his death. He is reborn in Avici Hell. His son attained Anagami after listening to the Dhamma by the Buddha even though he did not do any good deeds. The children of the butcher's son did not attain any stages of Sainthood even though they too listen to the Buddha. This story illustrate the working of Kamma namely the 4 types of Kamma namely 1. Ditthadhammavedaniya Kamma (Immediately Effective Kamma); 2. Upapajjavedaniya Kamma (Subsequently Effective Kamma); 3. Aparāpariyavedaniya Kamma (Indefinitely Effective Kamma) and; 4. Ahosi Kamma (Ineffective Kamma).
Sayadaw also relates this to the 7 thought moments in citta where the first thought moment give rise to ditthadhammavedaniya kamma, the seventh to upapajjavedaniya and the five intermediates give rise to apparapariyavedaniya kamma.

Very enlightening talk. Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu.

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