Saturday, July 11, 2009

Afraid to Die?

Tonight Dhamma Talk, Sayadaw U Vimala give a talk on Anathapindikovada Sutta. This Sutta is given by Venerable Ananda to Anathapindika when the latter was very sick. It is about 4 types of person who are afraid to die and another 4 types of person who are not afraid to die. Which are the 4 types of person who are afraid to die? The 4 types of person are those who do not believe the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha and those who do not have any sila. These people will be afraid to die at their death beds. Sayadaw says that fear is dosa, an akusala kamma and to have akusala kamma before death will bring one to the woeful states.
On the other hand, those who are not afraid to die are those who believe in Buddha (virtues of Buddha), the Dhamma, the Sangha and those with sila. For these people, dying in a non-fearful state can lead one to better places.
Sayadaw advises us in BMBMC to quickly try to practise and do good fast, not to wait for latter years of our lives. Sayadaw says that to wait can be wasteful, for one can get old and sick. If a person is sick or old, then he can no longer practise.

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