Why is it that we do not understand the Paticca Samuppada? Sayadaw asked, "It is because most of us tends to take things as pleasurable"
Tanha (craving) is the cause that will lead to Upadana. Tanha arises because of upadaniya (object of tanha) that we always take as pleasurable. Once upadana (clinging) arises, then bhava (becoming) follows.
Bhava (becoming) leads to Kamma (action). Sayadaw pointed out that Kamma will be present all the time (only absent when we sleep). Even when we meditate, there is Kamma performed.
Then bhava causes jati (birth) to arise. When we have jati, then we will expect to have jara, maranam, soka, parideva, dukkha, domanassa and upayasa.

Sayadaw said that our samsara is long because we tends to take things as pleasurable. When we see, hear, smell, taste, touch and think, we observe their objects as pleasurable.
In Vipassana, Sayadaw said we have to observe things as unpleasant or danger or disadvantage. This is how we should practise. By doing this, we will eradicate tanha and if tanha is eradicate, then upadana, bhava, jati and jara-maranam-soka-parideva-dukkha-domanasa-upayasa will be eradicate.

Personally, I think it is not easy for one to maintain or even observe things as unpleasant. That is why we need to do vipassana bhavana. Bhavana will help one to observe these things as unpleasant.
Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu.
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