Should we Buddhists paid respect to cetiyas? Some of us may think that those who did are ignorant of Buddhist's practices. However, in yesterday Dhamma Talk, Venerable Sayadaw U Vimala said it is in accordance to the Teaching of The Buddha that one gains Kusala Kamma for respecting the cetiyas.

There are five types of cetiyas namely,
- Paribhoga Cetiya- enshrined with requisites used by the Buddha

- Uddissaka Cetiya- built or made in remembrance of the Buddha
- Dhatu Cetiya- enshrined with the relics of the Buddha
- Dhamma Cetiya
- Pada Cetiya- foot prints of the Buddha
This means that as Buddhists, we should and can give our respect and offering to these cetiyas. For example, Buddha images are the Uddissaka Cetiya which we should be paying respect to whenever we enter a temple or Buddhist meditation centre. Even places that houses the Dhamma books should be respected.
Further interesting information on cetiyas can be obtained from these sites
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