"Observe everything as impermanence," said Sayadaw U Vimala. I know that all things are impermanent but this is not meditation.
In tonight talk which is based on the Maha-salayatanika Sutta, Sayadaw U Vimala relate how the Buddha advices us to observe impermanence so that wrong views can be abandon.
Observed impermanence in one of these five things when we see. Which five? The eye sensitivity, the visual object, the eye consciousness, the eye contact and the feeling that arises from the eye contact.
The same goes to hearing, tasting, touching and smelling.
Therefore, Sayadaw said there is no excuse that we had no time to meditate. We have time to see, hear, taste, touch and smell. We only had to observe this as impermanence.

Most of the time, beginners in vipassana meditation are more exposed to kayanupassana more than the other vedananupassana, cittanupassana, or dhammanupassana. Maybe when one had practiced to an advanced stage, one will be more readily able to practice dhammanupassana.
Nevertheless, tonight Sayadaw had reminded us about the four fields of mindfulness that one had to practice in Vipassana Meditation.
Saddhu, sadhu, sadhu.
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