Saturday, July 16, 2011

Good Relations to the Society

Sayadaw preparing to give a talk

Sayadaw give a talk
"We have to know what is kusala? and what is akusala?" said Sayadaw U Vimala in tonight's Dhamma Talk after the group meditation session and also incidentally the Vassa Entry ceremony.
Sometimes we do kusala kamma either individually or in a group of same wishes. But when we are in a group there may arises problems and to avoid these problems from affecting the group members, we should remember what had been taught by the Buddha in Saraniya Sutta.

There are things that we should remember when we are in a society. And to remember them there are six ways.
  1. Kayakama Metta or loving kindness in action  
    • Actions like respecting the monks, bowing down to the monks, respecting your parents are considered as doing things in loving kindness. Even sweeping the floors of the temple shows that one has metta towards members of the society. Occasionally things may not be in right order due to the ignorance of some members of the society. One must then helps to clean up the mess and do it with no anger. This will create a harmony environment in the society
  2. Vacikama metta or kind words or speech
    • Greet one another whenever we meet some one is a form of vacikama metta
    • Use sweet words and avoid harsh words as all people do not like to listen to harsh and rough words
    • Otherwise we will quarrel or fight among each other
    • Another form of vacikama metta is chanting of the Suttas such as Karaniya Metta Sutta or Ratana Sutta
  3. Manokama metta or kind thoughts
    • Radiating metta to all beings without saying any words is an example of manokama metta
  4. Sharing things with other people or Pativipata bodhi 
    • Doing dana or share things with others 
  5. Have precepts or morality
  6. Have right views and understanding 
    • Having the views that
      1. There are good and bad kamma
      2. There are results of these Kamma
      3. The present is due to the past Kamma and the future is the result of the previous kamma
      4. There are devas and Brahmas
      5. There are Arahats and Buddha and these Noble persons exist due to their practice
These six ways should be remembered so that we can avoid problems in the society and create harmonious condition for the practice of good kamma.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

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