"We need momentum to do good deeds",said Sayadaw U Vimala in tonight's Dhamma talk - the first talk in this year's Vasa.
During the time of the Buddha, there are 30 friends; all of them are good looking and also had good momentum to do good. However at the time of the Buddha these men had forgotten how to do good. One night, these men took their wives to the forest for drinks and other enjoyments. One of the men brought a courtesan. After their merriments, they fell a sleep and the courtesan steals their things. When they wake up and realized that their things had been stolen they go looking for the thieving woman. They met the Buddha and asked the Buddha whether the Buddha had seen the woman.
The Buddha replied by asking them back with the question. Which I'd better to seek the woman or to seek your own self? The 30 men and their spouses replied that seeking oneself is better.
Lord Buddha then gave them a Dhamma Talk about the topics of Dana, Sila, of deva, about Magga, about bad results and five senses and about freedom from samsara and nibbana.
In Dana we must do as much as we can. Doing good deeds may enable us to be not poor if we are poor we cannot even approach the monks because we are shy or busy taking care of ourselves. Therefore, Sayadaw advises us to do lots of Dana. Giving food to the monks, to the people and also to the animals. Besides that when one gives or do Dana then one can develop metta or karuna. Doing Dana is seeking good for ourselves.
Next, we must have morality, said Sayadaw. This is because without Sila, one cannot gains Magga phala nibbana even though they practice meditation. They have healthy and long life.
In short, the other 4 topics can be surmarised to these: we must reduce the five senses, aspiring to be reborn in the deva world that is good as these places give us peace from hunger, disease and less suffering. Lastly, we must practice meditation.
These topics are always found in the Buddha's Teaching. We have to note t these and understand them. The 20 men gained Ariya States after listening. to the Buddha.
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