Tonight before the Dhamma talk, Sayadaw mentioned that people here are ignorant of the terms nava, majjhima, thera and mahathera. Many people used wrong titles of Mahathera when refering to a bhikkhu even though the bhikkhu is only had one vassa. Here, Sayadaw taught us the proper usage of these 4 terms:
- Nava bhikkhu refers to bhikkhu who has less than 5 vassas
- Majjhima bhikkhu refers to bhikkhu who has 5 to 9 vassas
- Thera bhikkhu refers to bhikkhu who has 20 or less than 20 vassas
- MahaThera bhikkhu refers to bhikkhu who has more than 20 vassas
- Further clarification of these terms can be checked from this link.
Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu.
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