There are three types of happiness, namely, happiness of human, happiness of deva and happiness of Nibbana.
Sayadaw further explained that while we had been trying to obtain material things in our quest for happiness, many of us tend to forget that our Kamma does play an important factor here. For example, if one's Kamma enable one to be beautiful, one does not have to do much to beautify oneself.
However, for one who are not that fortunate due to Kammic forces, he/she will be disappointed if beauty is the criteria set for his/her happiness.
Sayadaw U Vimala further said that when one performs Dana with correct understanding, then in the future, one may gain the happiness of the deva. Moreover, if one were to cultivate one's mind to the fullest, one may gain Nibbanic happiness or bliss which is the ultimate happiness for one.

Happiness comes with harmony, and in a community, harmony among its member will ensure that the people in the community will be happy. This advice was given by Sayadaw as a guidance before our Kathina celebration committee/devotee meeting begins. A timely advice indeed.
Sayadaw further elaborates that there are two types of people not easily encountered, that are, namely (1) people with similar desires and (2) grateful people.
Two people cannot have similar desires, said Sayadaw. Even husband and wife ofter quarreled because of dissimilar or conflicting desires. In a temple committee with so many people, it is virtually impossible for everybody to have similar desires.
Then how can we be harmony? By trying to be the second type of people, said Sayadaw. We had to try to be grateful for the help rendered to us. For example, Sayadaw said that in BMBMC, the chairman had be very helpful to the secretary and hence, the secretary must be grateful to the chairman.
This is true also in reverse. By doing that, we can then create a harmonious environment with each other, seeing other in a loving-kindness eye. Happiness can then be achieved by us.
Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu.
Good one on happiness and it helps a lot.
Karim - Mind Power
Thanks, Karim.
May you be well and happy always
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